Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Unbiased Review of TheBestSpinner

The Best Spinner You know SEO and creating backlinks are important aspects of online marketing. You may even be a veteran of downloading tons of SEO software that was intended to put your SEO on "autopilot."

In some respects, Brad Callen's TheBestSpinner is similar to other SEO programs. In most other ways, however, Brad Callen's TheBestSpinner program is different. If you use this program properly, your SEO needs could be mostly taken care of. So what is it this program does? How can this software work in your marketing? How will it benefit you? Continue reading our review of what TheBestSpinner can do for you.

For example, TheBestSpinner.Some folks want a program that will submit articles to a list of article directories/databases, so if that describes you - you won't want this. Instead of shoving more articles into already too full directories and databases, TheBestSpinner only submits your work to sites that have signed up to receive it. Mr. Brad Callen developed this software, and he put together an incredibly huge list of sites and blogs, and they have agreed to receive content as distributed from TheBestSpinner. This means your article will look more natural, like blog content, as opposed to a mere article in some directory. That will add a lot of extra value to your content and make it worth the cost of the software.

For the article spinner, you'll be able to see a spun version of your original title on the viewing page. This is a great time saver because usually with spinners you have to load each article if you want to check the spun titles. That's impressive because of the time savings alone, plus it's always a good thing to know what you're sending out to the web. We cannot stress how valuable it is to be able to check each spun article title all on one display.

TheBestSpinner However, you will not be permitted to create your backlinks too fast. Most other submission apps will let you build as fast you want which is not always a good thing. If you wanted you can get hundreds if not thousands of backlinks in a day, or hours. The search engines will notice this behavior and decide to issue ranking penalties for your site. Your link building will look very natural with TheBestSpinner because the submissions will be spread out over time. If you've been around IM a while, you may think you've seen and heard almost everything. Also, to be upfront, article syndication using programs is not new. There are, naturally, no promises of 50 grand in your account by the end of the month.

The creators are honest - they'll be the first to say you gotta put the work in before you reap the true benefits. If you use TheBestSpinner properly, and you do whatever work is necessary - you'll build a solid, respectable, and profitable IM business.